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Monday 25 March 2013

Task 2: Planning your DPS!

What type of double page spread do you intend to create?
As my target audience is aimed at girls between the ages of approx 11-15, I think the best layout would be an interview in the style of question and answers. This is because it would allow the readers to 'get to know' the artist being interviewed and it also allows them to read the direct words the interviewee has said. 
          Also as it's a pop magazine it's typically known to be quite open and more chatty than informative. 

How you intend to incorporate original images?
I intend to incorporate original images but using a main image across one side of the double page spread. Furthermore, because it's a magazine aimed at young teenage girls there should maybe be other smaller images to break up the text so it doesn't overpower the readers. For this I could also include other images of features coming up on other pages or smaller features that are separate on the double page spread to give the readers a break from reading the same thing. 

How will you obtain information and images for your feature spread?
For images, I will take these myself or the person of my choice. If I decide to include smaller images of other people then I will also need to take photo's of them. For the information, I will research into typical questions and answers that are often included in magazines. 

Visual style?
The double page spread needs to be consistent with the front cover and contents page. This means that I will need to you the same colours and similar fonts. The layout needs to be related in some way, however, because it is a completely different style to the front cover and contents it won't be exactly the same but there needs to be some relation between them all. As it is aimed at younger people, it needs to include a variation of colour to keep them interested. Also it pop magazines typically include a lot of colour and have different puffs/plugs/features all over the page.  

What style of writing you intend to use?
The writing style needs to use simple words as it is aimed at younger readers so they may not understand the writing if it includes longer and more complex words. As I will most probably write it in the format of a question and answer style, it needs to be simple questions that any one will understand even if they aren't a fan of the artist/band. 

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