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Tuesday 5 March 2013

2nd Photo Shoot!

After noticing that the first photo's from the first shoot weren't usable, I re-took them to try and get them to fit the pop genre that I was aiming for. Below are a few of the other pictures which I took however didn't pick them.

 This picture shows the face clearly which would allow the viewer to connect more, however, I didn't feel it was right for the front cover and didn't show clearly enough that it was a pop magazine. This is partially to do with the fact that it is a close up and therefore, doesn't show her clothes in any detail.

This photo wasn't chosen as although it was a completely different shot to the first one, when I looked at other pop front covers, many didn't show the whole body unless it was a band on the front cover. 
Although this picture is similar to the one that I actually picked, I found that it didn't fulfill the 'normal' features that pop front covers have as she wasn't really posing and it looked a bit too plain and too casual to put on the front cover. 
Below is the photo that I am actually picking as my main image on the front cover. This is   because it is close enough to gather certain detail such as the clothing and make-up which makes it more clear that it is a pop magazine. Also it looks more 'pop' than the previous image as she is posing rather than just simply standing.                                                

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