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Sunday 10 March 2013

Proposal for Contents Page!

Who is the magazine aimed at?
The magazine is a pop magazine and typically this would mean that it's target audience would be girls around the ages of 11-16. 

What will be included on the contents page?
The contents page needs to include all the important information about what will be in the magazine. When looking through published pop magazines, I noticed that they do no include every little detail but just the things that are most likely to interest readers.

What colours will you use?
The colours will need to be bright, bold and interesting. This is because it's a pop magazine aimed at girls aged between 11-16. However, it shouldn't be quite as bright as the front cover because the front cover's job is to catch the readers eye, whereas, the contents page needs to let people know what will be in the magazine in order to interest them further. The reader needs to be able to read the contents page without being too distracted by the colours and images.

How many images will you use?
As I said in my last paragraph, I don't want to over power the readers with too many images as the content pages main job is to inform. However, there still needs to be a range of some images as it is aimed at younger people who need to be kept interested.

What types of text will be used?
For my text I plan to use various sub headings such as win opportunities, celebrity gossip items as well as real life features. 

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