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Thursday 28 March 2013

Proposal: Double Page Spread!

What type of double page spread will it be?
For my double page spread I have chosen to base it on an interview in a question and answer format. I think this would be most appropriate as my target audience are girls between the ages of 11-16. I believe that this is what they would find most interesting.

What type of questions will you ask?
For my questions I plan to ask simple yet interesting questions. They cannot be too complicated as I have a young target audience, however, as they are young they need to be kept interested more. I will take the interview and show it in a kind of chatty way but not too much otherwise it may distract away from the actual interview. Questions based on their 'new single', love life and childhood should be included as this is what stereo-typically interests young girls.

How will your main image be placed?
I will have one main image on my double page spread as there are already several throughout the magazine and once again, I don't want to over-load the page with too many images as the main purpose of the double page spread is for it to contain an interview about the particular artist. I plan to place it on the right hand side as this is a convention of the a lot of magazines. 

What colours will you use?
The colours need to be consistent with the front cover and contents page so it will looks like it could all belong in an actual magazine. It would also be conventional to have a background on the double page spread rather than leaving it white as I have done with the contents and front cover. A white background worked well with those pages, however, I think my double page spread will be more effective if it has some form of a background.

What will you use for the main title/mast head?
When I looked into other pop magazines in particular they tended to use quotes from the interview as their main title. This then encourages the reader to want to continue as it would hopefully interest them.

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