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Monday 25 March 2013

Task 1- Double Page Spread!

What is a double page spread?
It is two facing pages containing appropriate material which are intended to be view together. It is often abbreviated to DPS and could also be referred to as a 'feature spread'.

Different types of feature spread/double page:

This is where an individual or group are asked questions and then the responses are written up. This is usually written up as a question and answer style or as a continuous prose. This would be useful for pre-teens/teens who are fans of the individual/group. This style allows the reader to understand what the individual/group are saying and it really gives a personal feel about it. This would be a useful style to use for my pop magazine as it's target audience is typically female pre-teens/teens. It would allow the young female readers to connect with the person being interviewed. 

Fashion Piece:
This could be items of fashion from a range of places spread across the double page spread. This would stereotypically apply to females, however, you could include items of mens fashion to appeal to them also. Depending on the type of features shown, it could vary who it appeals to. This could be suitable for the genre of my magazine (pop) as I could base the feature on the style of fashion that would apply to pre-teens/teen girls. 

Reviews on particular products are sometimes featured across the double page spread. Reviews can include items such as concerts, latest CD's/music or upcoming bands/artists. The item that's being reviewed would need to appeal to the target audience because they'd need to find an interest in reading it. This could be suitable for my magazine as I could include items revolving around bands/artists that are typically in the pop genre. 

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