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Friday 5 April 2013

Rough Double Page Spread!

Above is my rough double page spread. 
When I complete my final double page I will need to fill the gap in the bottom left as it's too plain compared to a lot of other pop magazines. This is because pop magazines are typically aimed at 11-16 year olds and so they would typically be more interested in a lot of a colour and items everywhere rather than it being plain. 
There also isn't a range of colours and although the main title/pull-quote does stand out, I could do something to make it stand out even more. For example, either change to colour of it, change the colour of 'weeks, or change the size of it. 
Another thing that will need to be changed it that fact that there is no pull-quote apart from the title. Adding this will encourage the reader to want to continue to read as it would have hopefully have caught their interest. 
The top of the page also doesn't have much to it. It once again looks a bit plain for a pop magazine. 
I will re-do the double page and try to change some of these things.

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