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Monday 8 April 2013

Final Double Page Spread!

This is my final double page spread. 

After reviewing my rough draft I noticed that quite a bit needed to be changed in order to make it look more like a 'pop' magazine.

Firstly, as I added in the 'progression of double page spread', the word 'weeks' was changed as I felt it looked too plain to be in a pop magazine. I got the idea to change it from the box down the left hand side as I thought if I alternate the colours it would bring  more interest to the page. 

The colours are also consistent through out with the use of light blues and pinks. This is because it is mostly aimed at young girls, however, there is a secondary audience of boys. I felt the colours matched throughout my contents and front and wanted to keep to a certain theme. 

I also decided to dress the model in mostly black as it would then suit any colour and keep slightly more neutral and would therefore appeal to both male and females. It also makes her stand out slightly more as she doesn't fit with the colour scheme of mostly blues and pinks but she does still suit the page.

I added 'exclusive interview' in the top right as I felt it needed something there to break the page up and to also make the readers feel like they're reading something that no one else has read before. 
I kept the style of writing simple so that the audience could understand what was being said. 
Furthermore, I also added details of the new single and where the readers can listen to it as it was something that appeared in a lot of magazines.

Whilst looking through pop magazine I noticed that they don't use the drop capital letter. I couldn't find one pop magazine where they did so I decided that I would be conventional to a pop magazine if I didn't include it. In addition, I didn't feel a drop capital would be suitable as there isn't a massive amount of introduction which is where it is usually found. There isn't a huge introduction because I felt that the readers being young (11-16) would lose interest quickly if they weren't reading about that artist.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shannon. I'm just doing a quick check of all blogs before deadline. Yours looks good, but make sure you get the evaluation on here asap.thanks
