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Monday 12 November 2012

Preliminary Task: Brief. Initial Ideas, Proposal and Flatplan!

The magazine will be aimed at college students, the local community and school leavers who are considering going to the college. Although the age range is fairly wide, it will mostly be aimed at 14-20 years old. 
The main content will be university advice, the latest college news, upcoming trips and events, advice on revision, health and relationships and student voices, however, other articles will also be included. 
Cover-lines will include main articles inside the magazine, for example, if there's a trip coming up or someone has given an interview about a particular subject. 
Although I've not finalised that title, possible suggestions are SDC (south downs college) this is because it's simple and people could easily understand what it is about and the connection it is. 'Fabula' which is latin for story as this way it will appeal to the people reading it as they'd want to read stories. 
The fonts will be basic and simple so you could easily read them as you're walking around the college.
It will be published every month to give all the latest events each month. 
The main image will probably be taken on the college site. It will most likely contain a college student. 
It will either be in A4 or A5 size format. A4 means more information can fit on, however, A5 would be easier as it could fit into people's bags. 
The colours would fit the seasons or if there is a big event then they could revolve around that. 

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