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Monday 19 November 2012

Photography: Magazine Layout!

Vanity Fair uses Lady Gaga on the front cover of their magazine. She is placed in the far right third which allows the main titles to be to the left of her. As she is wearing black it allows the magazine to use a white text font which contrasts with the black so this makes them both stand out. Overall, the colours of the magazines are quite dark based, black and grey, however, the white allows them to stand out.

On the other hand, The Source magazine uses a grey background but use bright red font which instantly draws attention to the writing. His eyes are in line with the focal points which attracts attention to his facial expressions. The gun pointing up also draws more attention to his face. The left third is used for the main cover-lines, however, there are cover-lines on the right third but due to the font being smaller it implies they are not the main focus point.

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