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Monday 21 January 2013

Representation of pop musicians and their fans!

Representation of pop musicians and their fans/readers.

Over the years, music has changed and in many ways has become much more influential on the general public. Pop music in particular has become one of the most recognizable music genres around. It covers a range of artists and reaches out to many people and therefore, gains a wide audience.

Pop musicians are often typically ‘well dressed’, wearing the latest fashion items and even changing the fashion in their way. They wear the latest fashion designs giving many young girls a style icon or inspiring them towards dressing like their favourite pop artist. The female pop musicians are often typically very ‘girly’ in which many females aspire to be, whilst the male pop musicians usually take pride in their appearance and are also seen to be wearing the latest designs with the ‘popular’ hair and are often the typical boys in which many girls wish to date. Pop artists nowadays are often represented through shows such as ‘The X-Factor’ and ‘American Idol’. Many pop artists use this as they’re way to break through into the music industry. It’s often more difficult for other genres to be successful through shows like this as these shows are family-type entertainment and pop music often attracts the interest of the general public much more than other genres such as heavy metal or country. Pop musicians are also beginning to carry the stereotype of ‘cheesy’ music in which they talk about their first love or their first heartbreak. The representation of pop musicians change constantly, however, they typical view is that they’re either the girl everyone wants to be or the boy everyone wants to date.

Furthermore, the typical fan of pop music is often presented to be girls either pre-teen (10-12) or teens (13-18) but usually of school age. However, this isn’t always true as there are many boys that are pop fans just as there are older people who also happen to be pop fans. Pop music is often the most played type of music on media devices such as the radio, TV, internet etc… This therefore means that it is more likely that general people who aren’t fans of any specific type of music are more likely to be aware of those artists involved in pop music.  Similarly to the pop artists they follow, the pop fans are also represented to be ‘on-trend’ with the latest fashion items and stereotypically spend a lot of time ‘perfecting their look’ so they can have a similar style to their pop icon.
Often in music magazines the particular artists will dress in a way that matches they’re audience and will try to relate to their fans. The double page spread of Rihanna shows her clearing wearing fashionable clothing and she has clearly spent a great deal of time on her hair and make-up. There is a more personal photo in the middle on the left side which would help her relate to her fans more. They present her in a ¾ length shot showing what she is wearing and also allowing her to pose more evidently.

Overall, both pop musicians and their fans are represented very similarly as they are both typically seen to be up-to-date with the latest fashion trends and keep to a ‘main-stream’  style. The artists try to connect with their fans through what they wear and how they pose in the magazine, just as fans often try to mimic their pop idol icons. 

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