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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Shooting the photo's schedule!

Shooting the photo's: 

My aim is to create a pop music magazine and in order to do this I will use the college photo studio to take the photo's for my front cover. 

I have booked the college photo studio to take the pictures because when I looked at professional pop music magazines they had plain white backgrounds usually. 

I am planning to take the photo's on the 1st of February 2013 as this is when the studio has been booked. 

I have arranged with a friend to be the model for my music magazine as she has certain connotations about her that are similar to a typical pop music fan/artist. 

Monday 28 January 2013

Front Cover Proposal!

Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically? 
The magazine will be aimed at pre-teens/teens, just generally of school age. There will also be more of an aim towards the female gender as they are the typical pop fans. However, there will need to be a secondary audience will be most likely be young boys or those of an older generation interested in pop music. 

What will your magazine be about? 
Typical contents would include an interview with the person who is featured on the front which will be viewed to be the main feature. There will also be a section on fashion/make-up (typical girly items), a page on 'real life issues' such as 'embarrassing moments' or readers views/stories/opinions. 

What are your ideas for cover lines? 
Cover lines such as the artist's name as this will be expected to be a main feature within the magazine. 

What title have you decided on and why? 
The titles need to fit in with the pop theme but also need to be original so names such as; 'top hits' 'top pops' 'Notes' The Beat' 'Simply pop' or 'pop rocks!'.

What fonts do you want to you? 
Fonts for a pop magazine need to be slightly bubbly, however they need to stand out and have a fun edge rather than a solid font. 

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting this image? 
The front cover will be of a girl posing as though she's a pop star. In order to achieve this we have booked out a studio so we can get good quality pictures and so that we can take lot's of different varieties of photos.

How frequently would it be published? 
It would be published either weekly or monthly so it can keep up-to-date with the latest trends or music etc... 

What are the dimensions of the cover? 
The magazine will be published in an A4 font as this is the usual size of a music magazine. It also allows me to publish a decent size photo and include lot's of different text and information. 

What images/colour would you use on the contents page/front cover/double page spread?
The overall colour scheme will tend to use more feminine colours such as pinks, purples or lighter blues. 

What are the ideas for the double page spread? 
On the double page spread, it will possibly feature an interview of the person on the front cover, or information on them. It will also include photos of them, however, they should be more relaxed than the photo on the front cover. 

Monday 21 January 2013

Representation of pop musicians and their fans!

Representation of pop musicians and their fans/readers.

Over the years, music has changed and in many ways has become much more influential on the general public. Pop music in particular has become one of the most recognizable music genres around. It covers a range of artists and reaches out to many people and therefore, gains a wide audience.

Pop musicians are often typically ‘well dressed’, wearing the latest fashion items and even changing the fashion in their way. They wear the latest fashion designs giving many young girls a style icon or inspiring them towards dressing like their favourite pop artist. The female pop musicians are often typically very ‘girly’ in which many females aspire to be, whilst the male pop musicians usually take pride in their appearance and are also seen to be wearing the latest designs with the ‘popular’ hair and are often the typical boys in which many girls wish to date. Pop artists nowadays are often represented through shows such as ‘The X-Factor’ and ‘American Idol’. Many pop artists use this as they’re way to break through into the music industry. It’s often more difficult for other genres to be successful through shows like this as these shows are family-type entertainment and pop music often attracts the interest of the general public much more than other genres such as heavy metal or country. Pop musicians are also beginning to carry the stereotype of ‘cheesy’ music in which they talk about their first love or their first heartbreak. The representation of pop musicians change constantly, however, they typical view is that they’re either the girl everyone wants to be or the boy everyone wants to date.

Furthermore, the typical fan of pop music is often presented to be girls either pre-teen (10-12) or teens (13-18) but usually of school age. However, this isn’t always true as there are many boys that are pop fans just as there are older people who also happen to be pop fans. Pop music is often the most played type of music on media devices such as the radio, TV, internet etc… This therefore means that it is more likely that general people who aren’t fans of any specific type of music are more likely to be aware of those artists involved in pop music.  Similarly to the pop artists they follow, the pop fans are also represented to be ‘on-trend’ with the latest fashion items and stereotypically spend a lot of time ‘perfecting their look’ so they can have a similar style to their pop icon.
Often in music magazines the particular artists will dress in a way that matches they’re audience and will try to relate to their fans. The double page spread of Rihanna shows her clearing wearing fashionable clothing and she has clearly spent a great deal of time on her hair and make-up. There is a more personal photo in the middle on the left side which would help her relate to her fans more. They present her in a ¾ length shot showing what she is wearing and also allowing her to pose more evidently.

Overall, both pop musicians and their fans are represented very similarly as they are both typically seen to be up-to-date with the latest fashion trends and keep to a ‘main-stream’  style. The artists try to connect with their fans through what they wear and how they pose in the magazine, just as fans often try to mimic their pop idol icons. 

Flat Plan for Music Magazine!

Below is a flat plan for my front cover, Contents page and double page spread of the music magazine. This is only a rough layout and it may change as time goes on.

Monday 14 January 2013

Initial Ideas- Music Magazine!

This is some of my initial ideas which I could include into my music magazine. They are only first draft so might change over time but these are my basic ideas which will start me off. 

Target Audience representation; equality and diversity!

How might you ensure you target a secondary audience? 

Although my main target audience is aimed at teenage/pre-teenage girls, I will also need to make sure I include a secondary audience. A secondary audience is those people who might also have a slight interest in the topic, in my case, a pop music magazine. However, these people are not who you would typically associate with that particular subject. To include other groups of people, such as teenage boys, I could include a section that would involve them more or include certain girl celebrities or men that teenage boys may typically look up to. The colours could also be more neutral, so rather than choosing typical female colours such as, pinks and purples, I could use more colours such as whites, blacks, reds, grey, cream etc... 
I could also aim to attract an older audience by having a feature that would be based upon older pop songs or an old musician. Therefore, an older generation may want to read the magazine as it has something that interests them. 

Consider how the genre is represented?

Typical readers of a pop music magazine are; 
  • between the ages of 11-19 (teen/pre-teen)
  • mostly female as it often includes articles that interest them. 
  • Stereotypes like school children and they are often seen to be fans of typical 'boy-bands' or 'good looking' boys. 
  • Typically heterosexual girls. 

Sunday 13 January 2013

Conventions of a pop music magazine! PREZI

Below is a link to which will take you to a prezi of the conventions of a music magazine!

Link to Conventions of a music magazine-Prezi

Prezi Video!

For my prezi video I found a video showing the basics of how to create a prezi. Once I watched this I was then able to create my own prezi on the conventions of music magazines. I found this video useful as it was clear and very simple which is useful is you are just starting out.