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Monday 8 October 2012

Task 2: Magazines & Audiences-Part One!

Glossary of magazine designs:

  1. Masthead- This is the title of the magazine and often the first thing you see so needs to catch your attention.
  2. Number- These are often used to lure the reader into thinking the magazine contains something big and interesting.
  3. Puff- This is anything that appears of the magazine cover that isn't text eg; bubbles to highlight texts.
  4. Plug- This is used to advertise items that the magazine has to offer. 
  5. Main Cover line- This is the item that the magazine most wants you to see! It's usually in the centre of the page and catches your eye straight away.
  6. Main Image- Often a celebrity. This needs to grab your attention and it usually covers most of the  page.
  7. Pull Quote- Usually taken from the celebrity interview that the magazine is focusing on.
  8. Bar-code- This is standard on all magazines and informs the reader the price.
  9. Dateline- Lets the reader know whether it's the latest edition of the magazine by having the date on it.
  10. Serif Font- This is the traditional text that magazines often use. It stands out and grabs attention!
  11. Sans Serif Font- This is the more modern type of text which is usually bold and clear.
  12. Left Third- The magazine will often put everything they have to offer on the left hand side so it tends to be full of information.
  13. Bleed- Where an image carries straight to the edge without leaving a margin.
  14. Colour Scheme- Enhances features and sometimes follows the seasons.
  15. Tag line- Magazine's selling point.
  16. Price- This is often with the bar-code, however, if the price has been reduced then it will often be displayed in the third left of the page as it'll stand out more and people will see if from the shelf. 

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