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Tuesday 5 February 2013

Published Contents Pages!

 Below are some published contents pages that I looked at to gain ideas for my magazine contents page. They have both have completely different layouts/designs, however, both work well. 

Published Front Covers!

Whilst creating the front cover for my music magazine, I looked at already published pop music magazines to see how they lay their magazines out, the fonts they use and the type of information they put on them. 
Here are a few that I looked at; 

Monday 4 February 2013

Shooting the photos-2nd time schedule!

Photography Planning:

Taking photos for the front cover of the music magazine which is based on the genre of pop.

I am planning to take them on Friday 8th of February. I've already taken some studio photos, however, I noted some problems so I'm hoping to take the final ones Friday.

I am planning to take them in the college studio as this will hopefully have more of a professional look and carry on with the typical pop magazine genre. 

I need to do this so that the photos will have a clear background and look as professional as they can be. 

I am using the same person as before but this time I picked her outfits and I will also do her make-up in order for her to look the way of a pop star. 

Review of photos!

We took a few photo's in the studio for the front cover of the music magazine. However, once I uploaded them onto the computer and reviewed them, I noted that they didn't look like a pop magazine. Once I reviewed these we booked the photo studio again to re-take the pictures and tried a different style of shooting. We altered the lighting in the studio, changed her clothes and changed make-up.

When I looked at other pop magazines I realised that in order to make it look like a pop magazine, she needed to wear more heavily made make-up and dress either in more 'daring'  clothes or brighter coloured clothes.